Research Results and Ongoing Projects
Ongoing Projects
Nanoscience and Condensed Matter Physics
MicroNMR (NMR-on-a-chip) and its applications
Spin Noise in Nanowires
Nanowire contacts for energy efficient transport, and nanowires for efficient field emission
Novel nanoscale methods for studies charge and spin density waves
Graphene defects for environmental applications
Chemical and biochemical sensors based on GaAs heterostructures
Cell dynamics on micropatterned substrates
Cell (leukocytes) deformability via electro-deformation with added nanoparticles
Model lipid membranes
Statistical Physics, Network Science and Evolutionary Computing
Evolutionary computing and its applications in sustainability and safety
Time Dependent Network Properties
Problem solving based on PSO, ACO, GA, NN and related methods
Interactive Engagement Methods in Learning and Teaching
Computer Quiz Games
Collaborative groups for increased DEI engagement
An Overview of Past Results
the list below reviews projects I was a lead or co-lead on as a junior faculty, postdoc and graduate student
First successful spin transport in ferromagnet-semiconductor heterostructures, both spin injection and spin ejection
Measurements and modeling of nanomagnetic properties of ferromagnet-semiconductor interface, especially on vicinal (step-like) interfaces
Observation of NMR behavior during spin injection
Measurements and analysis of sub-micron X-ray diffraction on charge density waves
"End contacts" to quasi-1D conductors, semiconductors
Development and implementation of novel etching methods for diamond and silicon
X-ray optics elements, like lenses, prisms, resonators, for X-ray nanofocusing, nanodiffraction and other purposes
Controllable magnetic impurities and novel phases in strongly correlated materials
Studies of oxides (graphene, rare earth) for biomedical and environmental applications
Development of novel teaching and learning techniques (Collaborative Workshop Physics, Computer Quiz Games in Chemistry, Innovation Worksheets)